If you told me two years ago that I would write a book and be participating in a youtube interview about that book I would have told you “no way”. You see, I believed that because I hadn’t mastered life, no one would want to listen to me. I wasn’t famous, I wasn’t a celebrity. I didn’t have it all figured out just yet. That is what makes the Write or Die Show so special. It celebrates people who have had life challenges and now are seeing the other side of what can be possible in life.
Speaking to Randi-Lee was like sitting down and having coffee with a friend. She reminded me of why I wrote Conquering the Undertow in the first place. Life can be so much more than just existing, moving from one day to the next. When we stop questioning life, and instead just accept that this is how it is, are we living life or is life just happening for us?
I believe one of the best things you can do is observe how you relate to yourself.
● Where in life do you settle for a fine or ok experience?
● What physical symptoms do you just deal with as being part of your body?
● Do you accept all emotions as useful or feel disappointed in yourself when you feel sad or angry?
My best coping tip is to slow down and ask yourself how present you are being. When you walked home did you stop and notice the people around you or were you too consumed with your own thoughts. Stop and really taste that sandwich choosing to only focus on the hot bread in your mouth. I suffer from anxiety so I know this can be difficult but you need to train your brain. Stop running and take in the sunset. Feel the blood flowing through your veins.
For other transformative tips, check out Conquering the Undertow-Learning to Breathe Again to learn how to turn surviving into so much more.
Facebook and Instagram: SuzanneReneeauthor