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Written by: SG Blaise

It was such a pleasure to talk to Randi about my writing journey. So much has changed in the ten
years since I set out to write The Last Lumenian saga.

In the beginning, one of the biggest challenges for me was not knowing how long it would take
to finish the first book. It felt like a never-ending journey with no specific end date. (Little did I
know what it feels like after publishing!) I had to learn to accept the uncertainty that came with
writing a book, become more patient, and enjoy the journey.

The other biggest challenge was not having readers and, as such, not having feedback on the
book. It helped tremendously to be part of an R&C group, and also, having my family read it as
each version was done made the process more bearable.

Lastly, I discovered that the writing journey does not end with getting my book published–that
was only another beginning for a different journey with many more twists and turns. I learned to
enjoy what may come and celebrate every mini-milestones when they come my way. But most of
all, I learned that no matter where I was on my journey, it was vital to be kind to myself as I was
my own biggest critic.

Get SG’s book here (affiliate link)

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By Susan Gold

Randi’s Write or Die Show – YouTube is bringing forth open conversation of hope, truth, and light for all of us to share.  The jewel of a podcast program is a forum of discussion centered around mental health issues. Though specifically for writers, Randi is masterfully producing inspirational episodes for our global community. I was grateful for the opportunity to have a conversation with Randi on the show, and though I was nervous, she put me instantly at ease to share my own story as a first-time published author and the trajectory of the journey.  It was during our conversation I realized my main coping strategy is belief. Belief in my journey, belief in all the players and circumstances that have come my way as the conduit of soul evolution. Toxic Family: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Adult Freedom is the finished piece, and I welcome you to join me for more if you feel called at 

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My Favorite Coping Skill

by Linda S. Plunkett, PhD

First of all, let’s describe why we would need to use coping skills. Life throws us many challenges. Our futures will inevitably present us with many unforeseen problems and issues which may temporarily throw us into a state of temporary panic as we feel anxious and unprepared to deal with the future. Coping skills, depending on whether we choose good ones or those not-so-good, may either help us or hinder us from ultimately finding resolutions to our problems.

I have learned through personal experience that procrastinating or putting off, or not dealing directly with the issue at hand many times only causes more problems down the road. Knowing the problem is still looming causes more anxiety.

Therefore, I have found that, personally, the best course of action for me is to face the issue head-on by using the following strategies:

  1. As I purposefully take calm breaths to ease my body and mind, I take time to journal or write down all the facts regarding the challenging situation at hand. Putting all the trauma in writing tends to bring me greater mental clarification regarding the situation that needs to be addressed.
  2. In conjunction with the above step, I also choose to further calm my mind and spirit by praying and
    taking the issue to God in prayer, asking for His wisdom and help to have a better understanding to deal with the issue at hand. James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all.”
  3. Finally, as I have taken time to consider input from others or do further research, be open to possible
    solutions that present themselves, realizing that this too shall pass. Our problems are temporary. As
    my mother once reminded me, “There is a solution for every problem.”

Visit to learn more about her story and her books.

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Osso Safe on the Write or Die Show

Author: Sabrina Osso

It was a pleasure to be interviewed by Randi-Lee Bowslaugh, on her insightful and easygoing podcast show, Write Or Die Show.  Randi made me feel very comfortable throughout the interview.  We had an excellent conversation about therapy, turning pain into power, the process of healing, and how we are making residency safe for all through our Osso Safe Certifications.  We spoke about taboo subjects but made them un-taboo by speaking about them openly and honestly, which would benefit any audience. 

My main coping strategy is to breathe deeply throughout the day.  This anchors me to the present moment as much as possible, and it allows the space to let things be ok. 

I actually speak of deep breathing in my children’s book, Home Safe Home, For You and Me.  The book is a tool for both children and adults alike.  For kids, whether they are safe at home or not safe at home, the book teaches that their voices are powerful and that they do have choices when it comes to their residency.  The book serves to give them courage to speak out and name who they feel safe with because they choose respect and safety.  For grandparents, parents, and teachers, the book serves to educate them and the children in their lives about how important it is to practice respect and safety in the home.

Randi, thank you for being a wonderful host! 

Get your copy here (affiliate link).

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Written by: Jeff Rasley

I hope your listeners find our discussion during the podcast about depression and suicide meaningful. It was for me. I thought they might find an excerpt from 72 Wisdoms about the incident in which I “talked down”, or “listened down”, my classmate interesting.

From the book…
My usual walk was from my house down to the beginning of the Mill Race, which is a canal that snaked past the backyard of our house on Gra-Roy Drive. The Elkhart River flows into a reservoir and then out the other side of the reservoir over a low-head dam. Some of the water from the reservoir is diverted through a controlled head gate into the Mill Race. The area below the dam and along the river is surrounded by woods with a well-worn trail from the feet of neighborhood kids. Either the dam or the end of the trail
through the woods was my usual turn-around destination for those troubled teen-years walks.

One late autumn evening, when I was sixteen, I walked down to the dam after dark. I don’t remember the specific issue I was pondering, but I’m sure it was some form of adolescent angst or alienation. I planned to station myself on the top of a concrete flood-wall which overlooked the near side of the dam. If I stood on top of the flood wall, I could listen to the water rushing over the dam and see moon and star light glowing on the placid water of the reservoir. Whenever I did that, the view and sound of the tumbling
water in the darkness both calmed and excited my adolescent soul. I usually felt renewed, less anxious, and empowered on the walk home.

As I quietly approached the flood wall that fall night, I was surprised to see a figure already standing on top of the one-foot wide wall. It was too dark to make out the person’s features clearly, but as I got closer I could tell it was a girl, and she was crying. I cautiously made my way up near her on top of the wall, and gently asked if she’d like to talk.

It took awhile before I recognized the girl was a classmate of mine. I barely knew her. She lived on the other side of town, and we ran in different social circles. But I did recognize the figure in the darkness that night as her. Through tears and with a choked up voice, Vera told me that she had planned to kill herself by jumping off the wall into the water flowing over the dam. I was shocked, but, as best as I could, kept my voice calm and level. My immediate plan was to keep her talking.

I don’t remember exactly what I said to her. I know I mostly encouraged her to keep talking. She told me about some truly terrible things that had happened within her family. I won’t go into details beyond mentioning that what she related included sexual abuse. I think we talked for at least half an hour. She decided not to jump. She asked me not to tell anyone at school that she had intended to commit suicide.

Whenever I saw Vera in the hallways at Goshen High School, we never spoke of our encounter that night by the dam. In fact, I don’t remember ever speaking to her again while we were in high school. But when we made eye contact passing each other in the hallway, we nodded in recognition. I saw gratitude in her eyes.

I saw Vera at a class reunion a couple decades after high school graduation. We talked for a few minutes, and I learned that she was doing well. She had a career, marriage, and children. Without mentioning why, she hugged me and whispered a quick thank you into my ear as we parted.

… The “wisdom” of this chapter from the book is that at critical times the best thing we can do for someone in need may be to just be there and listen. All of us will need that kind of compassionate presence sooner or later. Thank you, Randi, for letting me share one of the 72 Wisdoms with your listeners and readers.

Get the book here (affiliate link)

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Travel Inspires

Written by: Barbara Ann Briggs

I really enjoyed recording the first chapter of Pilgrimage on the Path of Love for the Readers Intrigue podcast. It was a pleasure working with Randi. The inspiration for writing Pilgrimage on the Path of Love arose during my travels in India. The sights, sounds, tastes, smells and interactions I had with people from so many diverse backgrounds inspired me to pen down my observations and reactions as I travelled. Each person I met shared a fragment of their life with me and the multi-colored fragments, like beads on a thread, wove the necklace I wore, an inner adornment, composed of cherished memories of a country to which I feel deeply connected.

Pilgrimage on the Path of Love was awarded a five-star medal from a Readers’ Favorites Reviewer who said: “Pilgrimage on the Path of Love is a portal to an artfully detailed world of beauty, love, and awareness…Barbara Ann Briggs writes for the free spirits, adventure enthusiasts, and wisdom and spiritual depth seekers. The audience is encouraged to love and embrace others regardless of their religious beliefs, and this core message is key to achieving world peace. I recommend it to the world.

Get your copy here (affiliate link)

Posted in blog, Write or Die Show

Fear and Love

Written by AG Flitcher

Time present and time past

Are both perhaps present in time future

And time future contained in time past.

If all time is eternally present

All time is unredeemable.

Four Quartets: Burnt Norton – T.S. Elliot

My time on Write or Die Show was humbling, honest, loving, caring, fun, and a memory immortalized by love and sharing pain as we heal each other with laughter and wisdom. When you share who you are, what hurts and heals you with the world, those who have or are suffering begin to breathe differently. Some people go searching for the air they wish they could breathe rather than inhaling the heavy charcoal ashen air nesting in their lungs that stems from trauma and negative mirror reflection.

Sometimes, when you see someone else’s anger and darkness, it can reflect how strong of a hold you have on your own. Your grip can be so strong that the light around you becomes ironically blinded by the brightness of the darkness in you. Nevertheless, when you see someone else gripping their anger and darkness as tight if not tighter than you, your grip slowly releases, and the darkness dims into a soft whimper. Turning fear into a healthy emotion you can use to further yourself into a greater perspective that allows you to be present.

My fantasy series, Boone and Jacque, is a mirroring of the chapter in my life that I am glad I am closing. More importantly, the chapter of the characters’ lives. Like them, I have learnt through pain, love and volition to love who I am, live in the present, let the past be a memory, and to value the most poignant moments in life before it ends. Life is our greatest teacher to self discovery and love.

Get Boone and Jacque here (affiliate link).

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Dealing with the Monster of Anxiety

Written By: KC Grifant

Thanks so much for having me on the show! I enjoyed talking about writing and anxiety. Mental health
struggles are incredibly common, even though they’re not talked about nearly enough, and affect people
from all walks of life (no matter status, intelligence, level of success, etc.). Seeking professional support is
never a bad idea. In lieu of that, some tactics that can alleviate anxiety include:

1-Self-reflect: Taking note of catastrophizing thoughts is one first step to diminishing their power.
2-Write: For some, even 5 minutes of journaling can have a calming effect.
3-Exercise: Physically tiring ourselves out and getting out of our heads can interrupt negative thinking.
4-Focus on small changes: Big changes are usually overwhelming and stressful. Small changes can be an
effective way to modify behavior.

A little about me and my work: I write internally published horror, fantasy, science fiction, and weird
west stories for podcasts, anthologies, and magazines. My short stories tales appeared in Andromeda
Spaceways Magazine; Unnerving Magazine; Cosmic Horror Monthly; Dark Matter Magazine; the British
SF Association’s Fission Magazine; Tales to Terrify; Chromophobia; Musings of the Muse; Dancing in the
Shadows – A Tribute to Anne Rice; the Stoker-nominated Fright Mare: Women Write Horror; and many

My debut supernatural western novel: Melinda West: Monster Gunslinger (Brigids Gate Press, 2023), is
described as a blend of Bonnie & Clyde meet The Witcher and Supernatural. Readers and reviewers call
the book “a fun, fast-paced, monster-filled joy ride,” “genre-blending,” “a story that is fascinating and
irresistible,” and a “massive crowd-pleaser.”

You can learn more at these links:

Get KC’s book here (affiliate link)

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4 Dimensions

Written by: Tim McCarthy

Thank you for the opportunity to be featured on Readers’ Intrigue.

After many years of experience as an educator and researcher in developmental child psychology, I have come to the conclusion that most parents are not aware that there are 4 Dimensions of human potential: The Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual (or Moral.)

As a result, most parents do not understand how to help their children grow in each of those dimensions in a way that is appropriate to their age and development. That is why I condensed my experience and research into a concise guide that amounts to the Owner’s Manual that you didn’t get with your child. If you don’t understand why your children behave the way they do, I can help.

Why can’t a two-year-old stop when you tell him to?

When are they ready for potty training?

What do you tell your child about where babies come from?

How do you discuss sex with an adolescent?

You see, you have to reach your children on their own level. That means you need to understand how their brains develop, and their capabilities and limitations at each age. Once you understand that, you have the tools to help your child advance. Some children develop physical skills easily, others develop mental skills quickly, while most parents don’t have a clear idea of how to help their child develop emotionally, and some parents don’t even believe in spiritual education. Although I hope they believe in the difference between right and wrong. Regardless of how quickly or easily your child develops in each dimension, I believe parents should help their child develop in each one.

In my book Raising 4 Dimensional Children in a 2 Dimensional World I provide that information, answer those questions and more, and provide over 400 age-appropriate activities to bring them up to the next level. Learn more at

Get Tim’s book here (affiliate link).

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A Dream Turned Book

Written by: Liz Alterman

Thanks so much to Randi for allowing me to share the first chapter of my suspense novel, The Perfect Neighborhood. Chapter one was probably my favorite to write because it uses dialogue to establish both the tone and the setting.

Readers (or listeners, for those who watch the YouTube video ) know almost instantly that they’ve entered a world where neighbors are keeping a close eye on one another. Through their voices, we learn that one of the main characters, Allison Langley, has left her husband in the middle of the night, sparking a flood of speculation within the Oak Hill community. Neighbors wonder if this “perfect” couple can’t make it, how can anyone?

But, weeks later, when Billy Barnes goes missing on his walk home from kindergarten, residents realize they’ve been focused on the wrong things, especially as they worry about how long a possible predator has been lurking among them.

The idea for this novel came to me in a dream. I woke up with the beginning and ending in mind and then had to painstakingly develop the middle. I wrote and revised most of this story during the pandemic, and having a project to return to throughout that time really kept me sane (when the writing itself wasn’t driving me crazy 🙂 ).

Having the opportunity to read this chapter for Readers Intrigue reminded me what a true skill it is to narrate audiobooks and it made me grateful once again for the wonderful cast who voiced the audiobook production of The Perfect Neighborhood.

If you choose to purchase it or pick it up at the library, thank you so much. I hope you enjoy it!
To learn more about me or my work, please visit I’m happy to pop in to book clubs via Zoom to say ‘Hi!” Happy reading!

Get Liz’s book here (affiliate link)