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Connect with Someone

By: Jeff Rasley

Connect with someone you know who is lonely and will be touched by your simple act of kindness.

We might not have said it exactly like that, but that was the theme that developed in the conversation between Randi Bowslaugh and me on her Write or Die Show podcast. Our conversation started with me telling Randi about my recent hip surgery and how being stuck at home for several weeks of post-op rehabilitation was a lonely and depressing experience. I was unable to do many of my favorite activities, because they involve vigorous physical activity and some are necessarily outdoors– skiing, skating, biking, kayaking, swimming, and pickleball.

And I was cut off from my normal social and community activities and events because of my immobility.

On top of that, I had to deal with chronic pain. On the other hand, the experience of immobility and isolation made me really appreciate my wife’s loving willingness to do her best to help with my rehab. She had to do all the household chores I normally do in addition to hers, and she had to do all the shopping and driving. It also made me appreciate the friends, who called and emailed wishes for my recovery, and especially the ones that paid me a visit. Although, it was only a few weeks of semi-isolation, getting to spend some time in the actual presence of a visiting friend dramatically lifted my spirit. Knowing that a friend, or my son James, was coming over for a visit and coffee or tea gave me something to look forward to. My mood always picked up and my situation didn’t seem so depressing. It even felt like the pain in my leg lessened, when someone paid me a visit.

My lonely situation was short-term, and I wasn’t alone because my wife Alicia was here with me. Poppy Cat did her part to entertain me by acting like a little fruitcake and occasionally cuddling next to me in bed or on my easy chair.

The experts tell us that there is an epidemic of loneliness in the US and in other economically developed countries. While policy-makers struggle to deal with this (one more!) crisis, those of us who can, should make the effort to reach out to anyone we know who might be feeling down and alone for whatever reason. That offer of care and concern will have an effect. It’s like being environmentally responsible. Our individual efforts will not wholly heal the suffering of our damaged planet Earth’s environment, but we can each make some difference.

So, reach out, and be a responsible and caring friend, neighbor, or family member. Don’t just love the one you’re with. Offer love to those you know who need it.

Jeff Rasley is an author and president of the Basa Village Foundation and of the Scientech Foundation of Indiana. His latest book is A Hitchhiker’s Big Adventure: On the road from Indiana to Key West and New Orleans for Mardi Gras 1972. It is available on Amazon at (affiliate link). For more information about, and to contact, Jeff, his website is

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Put Yourself First Mentally

By Sally Barrilla

Truly grateful to Randi-Lee for having me on her show and discussing the importance of putting yourself first mentally. We had an amazing chat talking about the importance of mental health, recognizing that while none of us view the world equally, it actually makes us more unique than we may think.

Growing up, it’s strange to note that mental health was such an unfamiliar concept that now I consider myself a big advocate of it. I find that the more conversations we have on mental health, recognizing our struggles, and prioritizing ourselves in body, soul, and mind can remove the stigma of mental health.

Randi-Lee’s Write or Die Show is helping bring about so many voices, hearing different stories, and bringing the world to discover the power of writing. I had such a blast, and she was also a guest on my podcast, Detective Writer. Here is the link to that episode as well. I welcome anyone who wishes to join us, and please feel free to check out my first-ever book. I can’t wait to come back to the show, gracias!

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My Favorite Coping Skill

by Linda S. Plunkett, PhD

First of all, let’s describe why we would need to use coping skills. Life throws us many challenges. Our futures will inevitably present us with many unforeseen problems and issues which may temporarily throw us into a state of temporary panic as we feel anxious and unprepared to deal with the future. Coping skills, depending on whether we choose good ones or those not-so-good, may either help us or hinder us from ultimately finding resolutions to our problems.

I have learned through personal experience that procrastinating or putting off, or not dealing directly with the issue at hand many times only causes more problems down the road. Knowing the problem is still looming causes more anxiety.

Therefore, I have found that, personally, the best course of action for me is to face the issue head-on by using the following strategies:

  1. As I purposefully take calm breaths to ease my body and mind, I take time to journal or write down all the facts regarding the challenging situation at hand. Putting all the trauma in writing tends to bring me greater mental clarification regarding the situation that needs to be addressed.
  2. In conjunction with the above step, I also choose to further calm my mind and spirit by praying and
    taking the issue to God in prayer, asking for His wisdom and help to have a better understanding to deal with the issue at hand. James 1:5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all.”
  3. Finally, as I have taken time to consider input from others or do further research, be open to possible
    solutions that present themselves, realizing that this too shall pass. Our problems are temporary. As
    my mother once reminded me, “There is a solution for every problem.”

Visit to learn more about her story and her books.

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What If I Could?

Author: Lynne Harley

My writing experience of “What If You Could?” fills me with gratitude and humility. This book began as an idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. Price Pritchett’s words convinced me to take it to the finish line. He writes: “What if these are not just ideas, but divine inspirations searching for some mortal soul- YOU- to give them a fighting chance to become realized. That they are seeking to recruit someone who will embrace them with enough passion and courage to bring them into a material existence. What is regrettable is that each one of us has discounted and dismissed many wonderful possibilities only to see someone else embrace them and live out their magic.” I am so glad I decided to listen and allowed this book to be realized.

Today, “What If You Could?” was awarded a GOLD MEDAL from the Global Book Awards. This is a great book for every age, and a portion of each book sale will be gifted to in support of youth mental health. Thank you for sharing the love. For more about Lynne visit

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Author: Jim Marshall

Writing Septemics: Hierarchies of Human Phenomena presented several major challenges, but before I tell you about that, let me introduce you to Septemics.

Septemics is a philosophical science based on the fact that many phenomena related to Human Beings occur in a sequence of seven levels. Septemics comprises a collection of scales or sequences, each of which breaks down various human phenomena into a hierarchy of seven steps. There are thirty-five such scales, which span the spectrum of human experience, by which I mean any situation in the life of any person can successfully by analyzed by one or more of these scales. There are twenty-four scales which apply primarily to individuals, and eleven which apply primarily to groups. Each of these scales provides the user with an infallible way of determining the salutariness or beneficialness of any group, individual or activity. If the group, individual or activity moves persons or groups up these scales, it is beneficial or positive; if it moves them down, it is detrimental or negative. More importantly, just finding out what level you, another person or some group, is at is, by itself, enlightening and beneficial. Finally, once you know the actual level of a person or group, you can improve that person or group by moving them up one level (at a time). Each scale is an axis against which to evaluate human behavior. Combined, they empower one to understand, predict and manage human affairs to a degree hitherto unattainable by most.

First, I had to discover the Septemic phenomena. This took several decades. When I realized I had discovered an entirely new subject, I saw that I could go from helping people by the hundreds, which is what I was doing as a Human Development Engineer, to helping people by the millions, by sharing this discovery with them. 

I then faced the task of constructing a practical philosophic system from the data I had uncovered. This took twenty years. 

Next, I had the burden of expressing this data in a way that would make sense to the average reader. This required many years of rewriting. Overall, I spent twenty-five years writing this book, measured from the point when I realized I had discovered something revolutionary. To find out more, visit

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Suzanne Renee – Guest

If you told me two years ago that I would write a book and be participating in a youtube interview about that book I would have told you “no way”. You see, I believed that because I hadn’t mastered life, no one would want to listen to me. I wasn’t famous, I wasn’t a celebrity. I didn’t have it all figured out just yet. That is what makes the Write or Die Show so special. It celebrates people who have had life challenges and now are seeing the other side of what can be possible in life.

Speaking to Randi-Lee was like sitting down and having coffee with a friend. She reminded me of why I wrote Conquering the Undertow in the first place. Life can be so much more than just existing, moving from one day to the next. When we stop questioning life, and instead just accept that this is how it is, are we living life or is life just happening for us?

I believe one of the best things you can do is observe how you relate to yourself.

● Where in life do you settle for a fine or ok experience?
● What physical symptoms do you just deal with as being part of your body?
● Do you accept all emotions as useful or feel disappointed in yourself when you feel sad or angry?

My best coping tip is to slow down and ask yourself how present you are being. When you walked home did you stop and notice the people around you or were you too consumed with your own thoughts. Stop and really taste that sandwich choosing to only focus on the hot bread in your mouth. I suffer from anxiety so I know this can be difficult but you need to train your brain. Stop running and take in the sunset. Feel the blood flowing through your veins.

For other transformative tips, check out Conquering the Undertow-Learning to Breathe Again to learn how to turn surviving into so much more.
Facebook and Instagram: SuzanneReneeauthor

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It was truly an honor to be a guest on Randi-Lee’s podcast Write or Die.

I always enjoy when a host can create a safe place for a conversation and that is exactly what Randi did. I was able to share some of my lived experiences, even those that were emotionally charged.

I particularly liked the term “Truth Bomb” that Randi used which focused on us speaking the truth. Shows such as Write or Die do just that as they provide a means for us to speak that truth.

I found it very easy to share my stories because Randi knew the right questions to ask to keep our conversation flowing. Her point about making bad decisions struck home for me on a number of fronts.

Relationships are important to us today in fact even more so with struggling with COVID and what that has done to our conversations and how we communicate. Having lost my wife and best friend to cancer in February of this year there is a void that I struggle to live with.

I touch on a lot of these issues in my second book which is entitled “You Are Not Alone” which is set to be published January 17th, 2022. The book speaks to mentoring and mental health and how mentoring can be a part of the support structure for mental health and mental well-being.

You can also take a look at my first book “The Gift of Mentoring” which is available on This will give you the foundation of mentoring processes and concepts.

If I could leave you with one thing that would be to “Ask for Help” – reach out and get the help you need to begin and continue your healing journey. 

Doug Lawrence